Sports Offered
FALL: Men's JV + Varsity
SPRING: Ladies Varsity
FALL: Ladies JV + Varsity
WINTER: Men's JV + Varsity
Ladies JV + Varsity
SPRING: Men's Varsity
Athletic Philosophy
Our Purpose
The JCS Athletic Program provides an environment whereby our students, while under pressure and in a public venue, can learn to strive for excellence, to respond properly to just and unjust authority, to harness their emotions, to discipline their pride, and to selflessly work as a representative of the team, our school, and Christ.
Individual Roles
Student Athlete
That they will submit to the authority of the game officials and their coaches. That they will compete in a manner that properly represents themselves, their family, JCS, and our Savior.
Bring glory to God by an obvious pursuit of excellence in their preparation, instruction, demeanor, and knowledge of the sport. To build a relationship with the players on their team and affect them for right. To have the product on the court be the best possible representation of hard work that will please God.
Encourage, to cheer, to support, to up lift, to comfort, to be an example not only their own child(ren), but also to each student athlete. To adhere to the Juniata Christian School Parent Sports Agreement form.
Academic Expectations
Our student athlete expectations are the same as any student in the school. That they will give maximum effort in every academic endeavor and strive to do their best based upon the ability God has given them. Student athletes are expected to fully participate in class, by taking notes, asking and answering questions, and completing their homework. A pattern of not meeting these expectations may result in losing athletic eligibility.
In Conclusion
In competition, we view our opponents not as adversaries but as partners in the pursuit of excellence. We MUST be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the parents of the school with which we are competing and root for both to succeed as Christians. We endeavor to create an environment that fosters Christ likeness during competition